In the garden, I find I like growing things. I don't mind looking after them. I don't mind harvesting, but it's the next stage that is my problem....IF I harvest things and bring them in, then I have to DO something with them. Unfortunately, unlike clean laundry, harvested produce can't just sit in a pile for weeks until I get around to will deteriorate, in some cases quickly and messily, if not properly stored or processed. It's not like I don't know how - I spent years storing or preserving every bit of fresh produce I could get my hands on to feed my growing family - and I derived a great deal of satisfaction from it. But these days I just seem to have an attitude problem - an "I don't wanna" attitude. Maybe it's because my family is fast growing up and doesn't go through as much food as they used to. Maybe it's because our diets have become more complicated due to health issues and food sensitivities. Maybe it's just being too busy. I know part of the problem is after I process the food I have to find somewhere to PUT it - always a major challenge in this little old house with minimal storage.
So I need to overcome this attitude problem. Anyone have any practical suggestions? My favourite fantasy at the moment is to find some lovely person/couple who wants to live in, process all my produce and take part in the chores, in return for food and board. Or maybe someone who wants to live out, come and help a couple of days a week, in return for a share of the food. Or to find seeds for magical plants that deliver themselves pre-packaged ready to store on shelves that they grow themselves. Or just to put my big-girl britches on, find a few extra hours in the day, and get everything done. Not sure which of the above is the biggest fantasy! ;-)