The 5+-a-day folks say we should eat 2 servings of fruit a day (and at least 3 of veges). If I'm not shopping for a while, what will I do when the fresh fruit on hand runs out? What other fruit servings do I have available?
I decided to do a fruit stocktake - or should that be "fruittake"?
Fruit doesn't have to be fresh to be good for you (though obviously that's optimal). It can also be frozen, dried, canned/preserved or juiced. Here's what I found we have available:
I decided to do a fruit stocktake - or should that be "fruittake"?
Fruit doesn't have to be fresh to be good for you (though obviously that's optimal). It can also be frozen, dried, canned/preserved or juiced. Here's what I found we have available:
Canned and bottled fruit (items shown presentative only - couldn't be bothered getting everything out the cupboards!) 10 cans peaches in juice 1 can applesauuse 19 large jars and 12 dressing jars of homemade applesauce (it's yum! use the recipe and make some!) 1 catering can pears in water |
Dried fruit: 3 small packs apricots 1 1/2 packs sultanas 2 1/2 packs dates 1 1/2 packs mangoes (gifts from Fillopino friends) Small jar of homegrown dried strawberries Small roll homegrown grape leather Mostly used in homemade museli, occasionally things like rice salad, or to make things like carob balls. Very occassionally a small handful or a few pieces to snack on. |
Seems we won't have too much problem getting our servings of fruit for a while! I usually have a smoothie made with a banana and some frozen berries for breakfast. We can use applesauce on cereal or porridge - or on yoghurt, or by itself - and make snack items with dried fruit. Canned fruit can be used on breakfast or in desserts.
I hadn't realised just how much frozen berries I had, so rearranged the freezers a little to group them together - a small quantity for first use in one drawer of our upright freezer, and the rest in one corner of the chest freezer. If you can't rearrange your freezers completely at this time of year (hard to pull everything out as it will defrost so fast in this heat), then do it a little at a time. It's way more efficient to group like items together - so you can easily see what you have and find what you need.
I hadn't realised just how much frozen berries I had, so rearranged the freezers a little to group them together - a small quantity for first use in one drawer of our upright freezer, and the rest in one corner of the chest freezer. If you can't rearrange your freezers completely at this time of year (hard to pull everything out as it will defrost so fast in this heat), then do it a little at a time. It's way more efficient to group like items together - so you can easily see what you have and find what you need.