259g berries
41.35 kg zucchini
2.398 kg Dwarf green beans
974 g Dwarf yellow beans
1.1 kg peas
63 g herbs
300g freckle lettuce
3.632 kg pears
810g baby carrots
2.054 kg pumpkin (one I accidentally cut from the vine)
5.874 kg beetroot
215.396 kgs Quince! There is an old quince tree here, and each year we get some fruit from it. But this year, it apparently loved the drought and produced a mega-crop! Is it cheating to include this in our totals? I don't think so - others I know who are going for a weight goal in produce include fruit from their trees. We don't really have fruit trees that produce well, except for this quince. I have a feeling we'll reach out target even without it's fruit, but it's a nice boost early in the year. What am I going to do with all that quince? There will be a separate post about that soon, in Preserving the Harvest category.