Not all the baskets came with liners, so for the ones that did not, I used some wool from the last time we crutched our sheep to line the insides. Wool makes a great basket liner – it holds water but drains freely, and holds in the soil. Any dags in the wool are a bonus fertiliser!
I planted up 14 hanging baskets. They contained:
- Basil
- Dwarf Munstead Lavender
- Rosemary
- Nasturtium
- Parsley
- Pizza thyme
- Golden Marjoram
- Oregano
- Curry plant
- Chives
- Yates Tiny Tim tomatoes
- German Chamomile
- Peas (which I hope will drape down over the sides of the basket)
- Strawberries

There is room to add a few more baskets onto my herb tree stand as I am able.
The whole set up has been placed onto a barked area I created between several other garden beds, where there is just the right amount of space for it. I would prefer to put it closer to the kitchen door, but that area is very exposed and windy, while this spot is a wee bit more sheltered.

- Golden Majoram (which is neat, as when I've tried to grow any kind of marjoram in the past it's just died)
- Oregano
- Thyme
- Parsley
- Chives
- Mint (a wee bit of a surprise, as I always think of mints as needing rather moist conditions). It now is putting out runners through the bottom of the basket - in time it may well be a whole ball of mint!
- Geraniums
- Rosemary
- Lavender
- Nasturtium
- Sage
- Tomatoes
- Dill
- Chamomile (this is still growing, but it looks quite straggly)
- Borage
- Peas
- Basil