The parsley were transplanted from another bed, and initially all appeared to die off, but they soon made a come back.

I've decided to create a new leek bed in a part of the garden away from the main beds, where I can leave it to do it's thing as a perpetual crop, and just harvest as needed. Leeks take a LONG time to grow, and like to bolt just as they're gaining some size, if conditions are right (or wrong, depending on your view point). My research indicates they do well in a permanent spot, allowed to bolt and drop seed then re-plant themselves as they will.

Behind them are a few shallots of the multiplying kind; they've been rather overshadowed by the zucchini, so when they are done I will take whatever bulbs I get and replant them in a better spot. The back half of this bed has been cleared from the last of the broad beans and is awaiting replanting.

I have undersown the sunflowers with some heritage beans given to me by a neighbour - variety unknown; I'm working in the supposition they are climbing beans and will climb up the stalks.

The next bed over contained my garlic and experimental broccoli crops - both did well and have now been harvested, and this bed has been replanted with a heritage strawberry popping corn. I was too slow to order some from Koanga Institute before they sold out, but fortunately a friend had some seed which she kindly gave me.

The marigolds planted underneath are beginning to look lovely. The dwarf beans with which I planted under all the tomatoes aren't very big, though they have a lot of small green beans on them.

Further away is the potato crop - I noticed in mid Dec the first signs of potato-tomato psyllid on my potatoes (a major OH DEAR!) and sprayed them with pymethrum and neem oil. Since then, the plants have started to get blight due to the humid conditions and cool nights. Such a shame as they were looking so huge and lush! A decision on how to proceed is pending.....will post about TPP and blight separately soon.
My choko vine is happily climbing the fence - I wonder just how big it will get?

I'm undecided whether to remove the pallets and just put in a mulched lawn-level bed, or see how they do over winter.