Pictured left is a beautiful purple cauliflower. Even then stems are pinky-purple and look good enough to eat! Which got me thinking - how come with broccoli and cauliflower we only eat the flower of the plant (the heads), and usually throw away the leaves and stems, even though they taste just as good and are generally even higher in nutrients?
Not this frugal Kiwi! We'll be eating the florets for a meal, and then I'm going to harvest and cook the stems and leaves too! I've been using broccoli stems for some time - they just need to be peeled before slicing and cooking as the outside tends to be tough when cooked. Now to try those beautiful looking cauliflower leaves.
Being spring, though, it's been very wet. I'm seriously considering digging a pond just so there's somewhere for the water to drain into.
The bed on the left has silverbeet, a couple of leeks that are getting to a good size, one brussel sprout plant, and several celery I've just recently planted out, after keeping them cozy in a plastic bin all winter. I'm covering them with plastic bottles at night to protect them from possible frosts.
The left had bed in this picture is planted in 70 odd strawberry plants (with chives in the middle) and mulched with pine needles. The strawberries are just beginning to flower.
Spring onions and leeks growing steadily.
Then I will freshen up this bed, and decide what to plant here next.....choices, choices! I really should plan a proper crop rotation - this year the beds have just gotten planted in whatever needed to go in. Now I have all 12 of these beds established, I need to start thinking about proper rotation and forward planning. Time for a session with my garden diary!