An update on the four original raised beds at the back of this photo:
1) Still filled with berry canes - need pruning and moving to the new berry cage I'm hoping we can build soon.
2) Full of kumera vines, plus a couple of leafing lettuce, and the kale I cut the tops off of have grown back vigorously. I'll cut them again as soon as the butterflies die out for the winter, and then let them regrow.
3) Carrots are doing really well!
4) Dwarf beans are still producing, though tops of the plants are dying off. For details on the competition between the experimental rows planted with and against the moon calendar, see HERE.
The 8 newer garden beds:
1) Back half is planted with peas, which are coming to an end. The chives I popped in there are doing well! The front is planted with freckle lettuce, much of which is starting to go to seed (it's heirloom, so I'm going to let some of it seed and save the seeds) and a row of yellow dwarf beans which are still producing vigorously
2) The maori corn I planted far too late is starting to flower - if it produces anything I'll probably use some for tasting, and keep the rest for seed for next year. With the corn are also peas which are doing pretty well, and in the front half are more carrots, which are growing well.
3) The beetroot that was in here has all been harvested. There remains a few silverbeet plants, a couple of leeks and a small tomato, all of which were left-over seedlings I shoved in there for want of anywhere else. This is now a bed with a frame over it, so I may either just use the silverbeet, or move it, so I can fill this bed with brassicas
4) The covered bed - planted in brassicas - see below.
5) Has hoops and has been laid out for square-foot planting of brassicss, but not yet planted due to lack of a cover. Meanwhile the brassica seedlings intended for this and the other not-yet-covered bed have been potted up and kept under protection so they can keep growing until I can plant them either with covers, or after the butterflies have died out.
6) Fully planted in beetroot last Friday night, half of it by torchlight before we left for a wedding out of town Sat morning.
7) Partly planted in leek seedlings by my friend who was housesitting for the weekend. Will plant more leeks and some onions in here.
8) Still waiting for last of compost etc to be added. Will probably plant in garlic.

We're actually planning to add two more hoops in between the three already up, but time for planting was running out and this needed done.

Carrots can be left in the ground over winter and pulled as needed. Frosts just make them sweeter.