In the middle bed, I planted the front half with more carrots. I tried the trick of mixing some radish seeds in with the carrot seeds as they germinate faster and help mark the rows. Well, I got a LOT of radishes! Only my husband likes them raw, so what to do? Don't worry, I came up with a tasty use for them. See my Radish Relish recipe post. The back half is planted with some Maori corn - far too late, but my friend gave me the seedlings so I bunged them in the garden to see what they do. This is an heirloom corn, producing large white cobs. The Maori traditionally use it to make "rotted corn" which is done by placing the corn kernels in a sack, and leaving it in a flowing stream for 3 or so days to ferment. It's then eaten hot or cold. But apparently it's also nice as a sweetcorn. I also planted more peas in with the corn. Parsnip was originally sown in this part of the bed, but few came up, and the ones that did got attacked by white butterfly, so I pulled them out.
The right hand bed has beetroot seedlings at the front. I sowed more beetroot seed, but so far none have come up. A few silverbeet seedlings have been put in the rear of the bed.