We cleared weeds and pulled up couch roots from the barked area under and beyond one of my washing lines. I had meant to plant pumpkins there is summer, but never got around to planting them. The low green patch still under the line is some oregano I planted there to begin forming a ground cover. It's not perfect yet, but a big improvement. We left some self-sown flower plants in, and when I decide what to plant here, I'll give it another going over. Before and after pics below:

While the new bed I created at the end of my blueberry patch doesn't have any weeds in it, the area around it had become overgrown due to the trailing buttercup pumpkin making it difficult to weedeater and mow. The same was true in front of my patch of fennel, where lovely Sanvitalia flowers spilled out over the front of the bed. Pics below. |